
Showing posts from June, 2022

A Grimoire

  A Grimoire of a fairytale Relapse- no relapsing or stagnancy .   What's the difference between the two?   Stagnant. Not moving forward yet not taking a step backward either. "No progress". A lot like limbo, you're neither here nor there . Just in-between. Just...there.   ...And then there is relapsing. I doubt I need to clarify anything there. It's pretty much self-explanatory .   Sigh...   Depression is something so misleading. A beautiful nightmare. A broken ballad that plays the most enchanting, bewitching, and heartfelt melodies.      It's something that if left unchecked or ignored "will" lead to a most unfortunate end.     Not every story has a happy ending and depression often looks like a fairytale before taking a turn for the "Grim brothers".   Not every "Castle" means a happy ending. And Not every "Dungeon" means it's a prison. That "Hero" might not be your savior but the real villain wit...

A Hollow space

 A Hollow space                I’ve seen these walls, oh so many times before. So much so that I am familiar with every twist and turn the hallways take, I know where all the hidden passageways and hiding spots are. I can even tell which section I am in based on the scratches and imperfections all those hidden idents carved into these walls brought on only through time and my endless explorations.  Once dark and empty but now slowly filling with warmth and memories.  The very essence of this place felt "hollow" so hollow and in desperate need of a home. I have traversed these endless long and winding hallways, kept company only by my rambling as I acquainted myself with the dark and my surroundings. The hallways were endless and never lead nor hinted at anything. The doors remained firmly shut. The walls were “naked” as if stripped from color and yet the heavy sense of foreboding with each and every step was almost suffocating seem...