
Showing posts with the label #Depression#Anxiety#innerdemons

A Grimoire

  A Grimoire of a fairytale Relapse- no relapsing or stagnancy .   What's the difference between the two?   Stagnant. Not moving forward yet not taking a step backward either. "No progress". A lot like limbo, you're neither here nor there . Just in-between. Just...there.   ...And then there is relapsing. I doubt I need to clarify anything there. It's pretty much self-explanatory .   Sigh...   Depression is something so misleading. A beautiful nightmare. A broken ballad that plays the most enchanting, bewitching, and heartfelt melodies.      It's something that if left unchecked or ignored "will" lead to a most unfortunate end.     Not every story has a happy ending and depression often looks like a fairytale before taking a turn for the "Grim brothers".   Not every "Castle" means a happy ending. And Not every "Dungeon" means it's a prison. That "Hero" might not be your savior but the real villain wit...

A Bitter pill to swallow

New year, new me. Right?! New... Sigh. New year. New me. For the longest time- no. Ever since I can Remember. My whole life. Down to The very second I opened my eyes for the First time. I was surrounded by darkness. Nothing I did was ever quite right. No amount of straight A's, appraising teachers or professors. Extracurricular activities, awards, achievements, or concerts could warrant the praise or approval I so desperately longed for...desired. And no matter how fast I ran I                           Would never outrun the relentless pursuit of darkness. Always on my beck and call.             Right on my heels. I ran, ran and ran....and RAN. "Run" Begging, pleading for a way out. For Someone to- to what? Chasing after a family I could never please nor satisfy. And although I knew it was pointless I could never muster the courage or strength  to let go. And end this...