A Bitter pill to swallow

New year, new me. Right?!
New... Sigh. New year. New me.

For the longest time- no. Ever since I can
Remember. My whole life. Down to
The very second I opened my eyes for the
First time. I was surrounded by darkness.
Nothing I did was ever quite right. No amount of straight A's, appraising teachers or professors.
Extracurricular activities, awards, achievements, or concerts could warrant the praise or approval I so desperately longed for...desired.

And no matter how fast I ran I                          
Would never outrun the relentless pursuit of darkness. Always on my beck and call.            
Right on my heels.

I ran, ran and ran....and RAN. "Run"
Begging, pleading for a way out. For
Someone to- to what?
Chasing after a family I could never please nor satisfy.
And although I knew it was pointless I could never muster the courage or strength  to let go.
And end this never-ending race.
And just stop. Stop running.
And give up on that dream I could only ever graze from the shadows.

Inside I was trembling. Cowering from the darkness. Running desperately.
With my arms stretched out in front
of me, chasing after a dream.
To me, they were the only beacon of light in that kingdom of eternal darkness.
And even if it meant chasing after them for all of eternity.
I'd do it gladly. Because that was far better than being left facing the darkness "alone"

And so. I did just that.
Year in and year out. Season after season.
Time after time.
I ran and ran. And never stopped running from the dark...                                                     

Chasing after what I soon realized to be an impossibly beautiful dream.

"A dream". And that's all it ever would be.



  1. Although I feel like I wont understand the true meaning of all these upcoming blogs just yet. I can still resonate with this one post a little. We all feel like there's always something not right or that we are never enough.

    Its only when we become more selfish and remove the opinions and feelings of others from our minds that we can move forward. Because as long as you're personally content with your current state and how you are living life then nothing else matters. As long as we do what feels right each day, that's all we can do


  2. Hey D its a beautiful poem it sad thought but its from the deprs if the heart gd way of healing and i gd way ti expreds5 yourself
    Weldone we proud of u.

  3. I truly appreciate each and every reply given.

    Thank you all


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