Weighing the heart by the feather of truth

GLUTTONY consumed and devoured everything within his reach. To him, the world was one endless buffet that only he has the privilege to. Until he met LUST... LUST never begged or chased after anyone. Anything LUST desired was acquired. Instead, she tempted and bewitched everyone around her. Until they were mad with lust and desire, succumbing to LUST'S every beck and call. GLUTTONY both fascinated and irritated LUST, who try as she may. Failed to tempt and seduce GLUTTONY. LUST who neither hungered nor consumed anything. And GLUTTONY understood. The endless buffet he gorged himself on no longer belonged to him alone anymore. He would have to share. GLUTTONY became bitter and indignant, and his growing displeasure at LUST'S deliberate aloofness slowly set him unhinged. LUST different to him never hungered or yearned for anything yet tempted everyone with such effortless...