Tick Tock, Tick Tock

How do you know you're ready for change or that without even realizing you've started changing?

Change much like time is ever fluent, at times you hardly notice a difference even feeling like you are stagnant or stuck in a loop.

Everything seems to be dragging or not moving at all. And yet within the blink of an eye without you even noticing a lifetime has gone by, the universe suddenly seems a strange place to be in and oh so very different than ten minutes or even seconds ago.

And while you may feel like the same old you. As if the universe may have changed but you remained the same. Truth is the world never changed "you did".

Time is ever fluent always changing always moving it does not stop or wait for anyone. However between everything that's changed amongst all of them the change within yourself has been the most drastic of all. Whether for better or worse only time will tell.

One thing remains the same. It is a certainty a fact of life.

"It is never too late to start anew".

To turn over a new leaf or go down a different road or if you so choose it you can continue down the one you're already on.

Good or bad. Wrong or right.

The decision has always been up to you. 

Others may come to test your resolve. Let them, but don't allow them to win. Some come to push you past your limit until you reach your breaking point. Others to help build you into who you're meant to be and even to tear you down. 

Regardless you will either come out on the other side or you will turn around mid-journey or even before the starting line due to outside influences and limitations set by yourself.

Remember the outcome lies in your hands, they may influence the colors and landscapes of your journey but the destination is up to you.

These things...

Heartbreak. Betrayal. Failure. Disappointment and resentment are all meant to bold you into the best version of yourself.

Don't be too afraid to evolve past your current state, to be different and stand out from the rest. 

Fear is a part of bravery.

Bravery isn't the absence of fear but understanding that fear is a part of bravery.


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