Lets talk...
When you sit back and think about it. I mean really sit back and think about it. How would you define growth how would you explain change and elaborate on it...how would you even know you're busy changing, busy evolving adapting. Growing. How?
Are you where you wanted to be in life. Is this what you dreamed about as a child or did the harsh realities of life burn up all that childlike innocence and dreams?
It's hard to look at the world with the same wide-eyed innocence you once had as a child...but even then, childhood isn't all sunshine and roses.
And yet looking at the world through the lenses of a child is so much more - oh dare I say magical.?
While looking at life with the eyes of an adult after life and its lessons and the cold brutality of basic human relationships has taken its toll and several pounds of flesh. And you find yourself wondering just where you went wrong or what is it you are supposed to learn from this? That moment when you find your mind racing and questioning everything in life. Every decision you've ever made. "That's the moment I am talking about."
How would you define growth? Change, however, let me be more specific. How would you explain your own growth? Have you changed? That little child living inside of you, have you ever stopped to acknowledge them? To thank them for surviving? For pushing through regardless of everything they've been through. For protecting the innocence that is alive inside of you. Have you just acknowledged them? Hugged them? Told them it's, okay? That you will take it from here.
Have you gone inside and rescued the little child inside you and just let them be a child?
Are you happy now? Take a moment to step back and forget about all your problems and concerns for one day. Acknowledge all your achievements and give yourself a pat on the back for how far you've come. You may not be where you want to be yet, but you're a lot closer than you were before.
At the end of it all remember: The world is still beautiful.
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